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How Long Does It Take for Hair to Grow After a Hair Transplant?

a man checking his hair growth

If you are considering a hair transplant procedure, you might be wondering how long it takes for the hair to grow after a hair transplant and when you can achieve the desired outcome. Keep reading so you know what to expect after your hair transplant surgery.

Number of Procedures You'll Need

For most cases, 1-2 sessions of hair grafting are sufficient to cover a bald area. While some patients may be satisfied with the results after one session, others may want more density and choose a second session.

The number of sessions required can vary depending on the individual case, such as the extent of hair loss, desired level of hair density, and specific needs.

Sessions should be at least 8-12 months apart. Also, larger sessions can cover both the front half of the scalp and the crown.

Length of Hair Transplant Recovery

After a hair transplant, crusts will form over each graft. These will remain attached for about 7 to 14 days.

The hairs in the transplanted grafts will be shed between the second and eighth weeks after the procedure. The grafts will usually be bare for 10 to 14 weeks while the follicles recuperate to produce new hair.

A new generation of hair starts to become visible by the twelfth week after transplanting. They'll grow at the same rate as they did in their original location.

Tips for Recovery

Being strategic during your hair transplant recovery can actually help the process.

Eating a healthy diet with lots of protein, fruits, and vegetables is important. Drinking water and avoiding alcohol can help as well. You can  use a mild shampoo and conditioner after the crusts have fallen off.

Avoid using any harsh chemicals or hot styling tools. Protect your scalp from the sun by wearing a hat. Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions and attend all follow-up appointments. 

Schedule Your Hair Transplant in Toronto

You deserve to look and feel your best without worrying about embarrassing hair loss. If you're concerned about hair loss, schedule a free hair restoration consultation with Dr Paul Cotterill. Dr Paul Cotterill has been practicing hair restoration for over 35 years and is committed to working with his patients and addressing their unique needs. Book a free consultation with us today. We can help ensure your hair transplant is a successful one.



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